Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

Climbing is proliferated by the young. With every passing year, I see more young people get involved–not just kids–but specifically, people in their early 20s.

I recently saw a post by a woman in her 40s, looking for another woman closer to her age with whom she could climb. Her sentiment felt so real and struck a chord with me, as I am growing closer to 40 myself. I reached out to her, and she agree to share her thoughts with us.

Meet Wendy, a badass

Looking back, I have no idea how I ended up in the climbing gym at the age of 38. Yes- this is by no means “old age”, but I do remember looking around at the other climbers, thinking, “wow… I am considerably older than the average patron.”

It was three years later that I once again entertained this thought. “Wow. I am definitely much older than nearly every other woman here. Where are the women my age?” I believe I was noticing this as I, thanks to COVID-19, had stopped training for triathlons (my other love) where my age bracket was one of the most competitive among females.

Now, at nearly 42, I am in the best shape of my life. My endurance is killer, and my upper body is getting stronger by the day. Still, I am what I’d consider a beginner- I learn an astounding amount each time I climb. I celebrate my victories in climbing with my partner, a 48 year old male who’s always happy to share in the stoke and celebration of progress. The two of us frequently embark on adventures outside to various crags around Utah. And of course- I frequently note the lack of women climbers my age. Where are the rest of my people? Aside from one lady friend who I recently connected with- I feel like the lone 40+ year old woman during all my climbing pursuits.

The challenge of this circumstance is: comparing my progress to that of a younger woman who is potentially not fully employed in 2 jobs and raising two teens. Someone who might not feel the weight of full responsibility financially and emotionally for two other humans. Someone who’s younger years afford them faster recovery and faster gains. Someone who’s hormones don’t betray them every day!

While I’m not one to continually compare myself with other women, I would love for climbing to be more accessible to other 40+ year old women. Instead of hearing from my peers, “Holy crap, you can rock climb? I could never do that at my age”, I’d love to hear, “Can I come join you sometime?”

I’d love it to be more normal. I’d love for people like me to feel the stoke of success on the wall. For women my age and older to understand the humbling nature of climbing as well as the highs you feel upon accomplishing a feat. I’d love for people to be less shocked when they see pictures of me scaling walls.

I’m doing my part to make this happen! I post pictures frequently of my climbing trips, I integrated a climbing course into the photography workshops I hold, and I keep fit. I love climbing and what it’s done for me so much, that I want other women to experience it, too.

If you’re 40 or older, join me in this pursuit! Women are strong, bad ass, fierce. This is the message we should be sending and supporting. Age is a number, and walls are meant for climbing… at any age.

Ladies, if you’re lucky enough to be in Utah, and a bit older, wiser, and kicking ass, hit Wendy up! I know next time I’m out west, I sure will!